Law of Attraction # 1💫
Most of the things on this earth (from the most beautiful to the most beautiful) were created by us as human beings. But all these creations are the result of a thought in the mind. Imagine your phone in your hand, the suit you are wearing, the chair you are sitting in, the seated bed is a concept for everyone?
So if we reprogram the mind as we want it (not the way we want it), we can make our world as beautiful as we want it to be.
I have heard that in the yoga style, the mind is not like a monkey. That's why ... the monkey isn't just a dick. It has so many unwanted movements. Or the monkey is just an imitation born. Imagine you're a monkey, too, including me .. ?? How Much Do You Feel? How much are you thinking? Never mind, right? And the main job in our mind is to imitate.
Tell me a story!
Here is one man walking around aimlessly. Because of his tiredness, he lay down under a well-groomed tree. Oh, I wish I had eaten these things, and this guy would like to eat all of a sudden. Breathe in your teeth for a moment. Now it's time to let this guy think he has a bottle of arrack, too. Maynes is .Ministers think these scammers know where the bottom was. Sure, there was a ghost again. Milky hot dogs weren't a ghost. Then he thought I better die than live with this torment. Well, he got his death request, and he got to sit down.
Why did I tell you this story? A well-trained, well-disciplined mind is like the Kalpa Tree. Such minds direct our body, our emotions, our energy. This is the Law of Attraction.
Then you don't think you need to organize your mind.